Tuesday 27 April 2010

love those lovers you hating haters

there was something i forgot! :]
i forgot to tell you i got some new shoes a couple of days ago. in dutch, there called sleehakken, i'm not sure what their calle in english. whatever, so i had to make some pictures to show you guys :] :

and now my little annoying sister is singing a song. wafels, wafels, ik ben gek op wafels, wafels, wafels, ik ben gek op wafels and so on. darn. now it's in my head. darn you, kiera, DARN YOUUU.


ain't that mr. mister on the radio, stereo

hiyaaaaaaaa. :]
i'm kinda bored. which is kindof weird, because i live in the middle of the city. but, of course i'm saving up, so i can't spend too much (aa). but hey, i've nearly got half the money :). so in a month or so i will have enough. i can't wait <3.
well. whatever.
btw, you have to check out our other blog, called www.pykelenelliyah.blogspot.com !!!
oh, and i'm soooo excited. friday i gueensday!
you know, when all the people in holland go out to sell stuff outside, and were (sometimes) you can find ubergood bargains. hoping i can find some vintage clothes, aand hopefully lots of jewelry (L).
well, i'm going to sell stuff with pykel, monica, tess, sharon and lara. but we've got this really big issue. we've only got a couple of days to decide: rijswijk or nootdorp. monica would rather do it in nootdorp, and pykel isn't alloud in the herenstraat :(. but everyone else wants to go in the herenstraat. plus, if we go in nootdorp, tess and lara don't want to come, because they hardly have any stuff, and it's really far from their houses. help please!
well, i can't think of anything else. maybe later. or not.

Sunday 25 April 2010

i hope you run into a dinosaur and you miss the bus.

oops, caps. to lazy to change.
what have i done lately...
totally nothing. friday.. nope nothing special( otherwise i'd ought to remember it)
it was very special actually hahaha. how could i forget. sorry ell.
we went to the hague, it was SUPERFUN! ell has this superretro camera, and we made a lot of pictures. i also bought a top, a vest , an awesome necklace and a great bracelet:]
and i bought a present for noortje, who was having a bithday party saterday. it was at lush, and we got testers yay.(L)
saterday: i went to noortje's birthday party, it was special noone had a problem with my name. noone said it wrong or made a big deal out of it. i already knew the most of them, sortof, through hyves and stuff. but it still was fun. we had a high tea, there was SO MUCH FOOD it was overwelming.
we watched 40 days and 40 nights, a hilarious movie about someone who wasn't allowed to have sex or anything that has anything to do with it, really funny:]
and.. sunday.
the boringest day of my life so far, haha.
i did absolutly nothing, my mom's gone to my grandma and grandpa in the hospital, my brother's sick and crying the whole day (-_-)
and i've done nothing, but making a bookreport and searching for a job or something. i want money for my own clothes, damnit!
and i have to learn latin for a test tomorrow, i hate it. even though it's really easy this time. i still hate it.
and i want to change my room. i don't know how yet. but i want it different.
ohjeah, peter went to his cow-farm thing, and there were baby cows, (calves?) and there was one little white one and it licked him and was realy cute and peter had to feed her, and she bit his hand and his pants, and because of that he named her pykel.(L)
how sweet is that! i fell very honored. thanks!:D

well, no more to tell. have to learn-or something.
with love, pykel.

Friday 23 April 2010

the hague

hi everyone!

just a little message before i start my story: yesterday i knew what i wanted for my birthday (24 may): a professional camera. and so, he went to a little cupboard and 'tadaaaa'! he already had one! so i got that, but it's really old so it doesn't really work, so he has to fix it for me :).

just now, i was with pykel in town, and it was great, like always :). i haven't been there for ages, because i'm saving up to go on a holiday with pykel and tosca, and it's kinda expensive. but i  HAD to go some time :). and pykel went because she had to buy a present for het friend, noortje. so we went straight to the V&D. and guess what, there was a big box of accessoires that were only 1 euro! so we had to get some things. pykel bought her friend some things, and some things for herself. i bought this adorable little robot necklace, a necklace with an adorable little bow, adn a little necklace with a small strawberry. it was soooo cute! and so cheap. we went to loads of other shops, but we only bought a couple of things. pykel bought this adorable little top, and it looked great on her:).
then we went to this cute little shop called 'the schatkamer' and it had loads of stuff from the brand Blonde (L). and it was sooo kitsch! everything was adorable. AND OMG WE ALSO SAW THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE CHI HUA HUA EVER. n__n
after we went to all the shops, we made some pictures. here they are:

Wednesday 21 April 2010

the world looks better with lenses

Hi there.<3
how you doin?
lame question, i already know the answer.
you know what?
i'm fine.
yesterday was a real weird day,
and very unexpected things happend, but today
everything was normal. als i got lenses. FINALLY FOR GOD'S SAKE DAMN YOU PEARL DAMN YOU!
sorry that was my outrageous side talking.
i can get really mad over nothing, well. i always get mad over nothing. like today. with the maths test, i was almost like crying because i can't stand our teacher with tests. normally he's oke, but he can't teach. not a problem for me, untill i get a test ofcorse. argh.
and i was supposed to get my lenses like 3 weeks ago. but those dumbasses didn't have time for me. and now i'm there, waiting for them to come help me putting them in for the first time, the guys like pulls my eyeballs out. painfull!
but now i can see ecerything clear. thats nice.:]
and drawing lessons, well the teacher was acting like a female ass. (is that even possible,you're thinking. yes. it is.)
hmm what to tell.
well elliyah and me have like the driest (dryest? wtf, how do you spell that. is it even an english word?)
well very dry sarcastic kind of humor. really weird. we love pedobear, he's funny. we love programmes like simpsons, and scrubs, and i (pykel) love grey's anatomy.
we also love to draw.
and i hate greek lessons. stupid words. stupid letters. stupid people. why are we learning this, it useless.
well gotta learn useless stuff. byenow.

first post! :)

hiya y'all. i guess this is our first post on this new blog. this is elliyah by the way :)
well, you all might be wondering what this blog is going to be about. the funny thing is, i don't know either. wait. that's not funny at all. well, moving on.

well, we had drawing lessons today, and it was kinda ok, but our teacher was kindof pissed. she got angry for no reason and stuff. but anyway, we started a new assignment today with drawing :]
well, at least some of us, not everyone was finished with the last one. (that was one where you had to make a fashion drawing, you had to chose a theme and then design clothes that fitted the theme. pykel had alice in wonderland (!!!), and i had cats. T_T. lame.)
anyways, our new assignment is the following: we have to make a fantasy drawing, including good and evil. i've already started, i'm going to make a picture in kindof 'the wizard of oz' style. haven't seen the movie? that might be because it's soooo old.
the picture on the right is the front of the film cover.
so anyway, drawing was okay.

here are some sites you just have to check out:

more will come later ?

haha, i secretly made this blog. pykel doesn't know about anything :]. whaahahaa i am so evviill. she'll find out. someday. or not.

it was really funny, a couple of days ago, i saw simpsons, just like every night, and than mister burns told the employees there weren't going to be any more donuts, because they had to cut costs or something. and than lenny said: NOO! homer said: D'OH! and carl said: NUTS. gettit? NO DONUTS! hahahaha. i am so smart.
by the way, on  www.wtso.net you can watch all the simpsons seasons online! kickass. talking about kicking ass, i reaaally want to see that movie: KICK-ASS. love their motto: shut up, kick ass. i shall apply to my daily life, starting... now.

well, i am very proud of this new blog omg i'm chocking in my own lie and so i think it's time to finish. bye people! btw don't you think blog sounds rather much like plog?
